Reflection on EDU 424-Teaching Methods and Approaches Course


Reflection on EDU 424-Teaching Methods and Approaches Course

The term teaching methods refers to the general principles, pedagogy and management strategies used for classroom instruction based on a selected approach. And as we all know that there is no good teaching method that can be applied to all students with different backgrounds, appreciating the uniqueness of each.

For teaching to be effective, teachers must diversify their methods of teaching, strategies, and techniques to achieve the intended outcomes, therefore they should be well-trained. In EDU 424- Teaching Methods and Approaches Course, we were introduced to B.O. Smith who has identified general areas of teacher competence and has suggested that a well-trained teacher should be prepared in four areas of teaching competence to be effective in bringing about intended learning outcomes; these areas are: command of theoretical knowledge about learning and human behaviors, display of attitudes that foster learning and genuine human relationship, command of knowledge in the subject matter taught, and repertoire of teaching skills that facilitate student learning. In addition to B.O. Smith, Charlotte Danielson has developed a framework for teaching that divides its complex activity into twenty-two components clustered into four domains of teaching responsibility, which are: planning and preparation, the classroom environment, instructions, and professional responsibilities. The personal practical knowledge could be added to enrich the teacher’s background.

 EDU 424-Teaching Methods and Approaches Course has shed a light on taxonomies that tackle educational objectives such as that of Bloom’s and Marzano’s. Educational objectives describe the goals toward which the education process is directed. Indulging one’s mind in such theories is such a privilege shifting the level of thinking to higher cognitive orders where knowledge is acquired and applied constructively.

In the EDU 424-Teaching Methods and Approaches Course, we have practiced different models in teaching the likes of the direct instruction model, that is widely used in our schools, the inductive model that promotes the critical thinking of the student, and the inquiry-based model that targets student’s high level of thinking. The last two models should be highly applied at schools in order to widen the horizons of the students’ minds who will be the corner stone in building better future for humanity. Further to the models of instructions, instructions themselves must be differentiated to address classroom diversity, challenge each student, address gender differences, consider cultural issues, and draw student’s interest in learning where teaching becomes responsive rather one size fits all teaching. Therefore, in differentiated instruction a teacher proactively prepares varied methods and approaches to what students need to learn, how they will learn, and how they will express what they have learned for more efficient outcomes.

Social emotional learning (SEL) is a very critical issue that the EDU 424-Teaching Methods and Approaches Course has tackled and that has been a mind opening for many problems that it has to be dealt with, to reach a comprehensive plan for effective learning process. Therefore social-emotional learning is defined as an education practice that integrates social and emotional skills into school curriculum. The most significant framework in this domain is The  CASEL’s SEL  which advances educational equity and excellence through authentic school, family, and community partnership to establish learning environments and experiences that feature trusting, rigorous, and meaningful curriculum and instruction, and on going evaluation.  The five interrelated  areas of SEL competence are: self awareness, self management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making. From the afore-mentioned, we conclude that applying SEL at schools is a must, especially during this unprecedented and challenging time, where addressing the emotional and social health of the student is inseparable from the overall learning process.

Assessment is an integral part of the education process, therefore, the EDU 424-Teaching Methods and Approaches, elaborated on the two kinds of assessments which are the formative and the summative assessment, where we discussed the efficiency of each in the evaluation process.

Cooperative learning is essential to reach a variety of goals including higher achievement, improved motivation, improved social skills, and better relations among students from diverse  backgrounds, thus, the EDU 424-Teaching Methods and Approaches Course has given a great space to value the significance of this process and its models such as STAD, Jigsaw 2, and Group investigation, emphasizing on the theoretical foundations of cooperative learning which was articulated by Lev Vygotsky who stressed on the importance of scaffolding and social interaction that benefits the student in sharing ideas, appropriating understanding, and articulating thinking.

All in all, The EDU 424-Teaching Methods and Approaches Course, has been an enlightening course where, I have experienced a new mind set in addition to a modification of old beliefs that have accompanied me since my school and university years, where most of our teachers followed old methods in teaching that have rendered the learning/teaching process tedious and complex, and it would have been  much easier and flexible if they integrated different methods and approaches that would have  lead to more effective outcomes, admitting that it’s not only teachers who should be held accountable for all the faults in the education process, but schools and curriculums applied should share the burden of responsibility. Therefore as a future teacher, I will benefit from the great background that I have built through this journey integrating different models of instruction and making use of the taxonomies and theories in helping and motivating students to construct learning and social skills that assist them crossing the bridges of life confidently and enthusiastically.

