Lesson Planning
Direct Instruction Model:
Title of the book:
Economics Level L
Subject: Economics
Grade: 10
Chapter two: Scarcity
and The Allocation of Resources
Time Frame: Two
The student will be able to:
· Define
economic system
· Identify
the types of economic systems
· Detect
the advantages and disadvantages of each economic system
· Describe
resource allocation in each economic system
Prerequisite Knowledge: The
student must have a previous understanding of:
· Scarcity
and its consequences
· Factors
of production
· Standards
of living
Problems and Examples: The teacher selects number of problems and examples addressing types of economic systems and economic sectors.
Materials needed: books, tablets, smartboard, flash cards, white board, and markers.
Phase one: Introduction
and Review:
The teacher will conduct a quick revision exploring the
prior knowledge of students using trivia game:
· What
is scarcity?
· What
are the consequences of scarcity?
· What
are the factors of production?
· What
do we mean by standard of living?
Then the teacher will introduce the topic to be explained which is Scarcity
Allocation of Resources.
Phase Two: Presentation:
The teacher will explain the following points using
power point presentation:
· What
are the types of economic system?
1. Traditional
2. Planned
or command
3. Market
4. mixed
· What
are the advantages and disadvantages of traditional economy?
· What
are the advantages and disadvantages of planned economy?
· What
are the advantages and disadvantages of market economy?
· What
are the advantages and disadvantages of mixed economy?
· How
are resources allocated in each type of economy?
Class discussion will be carried to enrich the contents of the topic
Phase Three: Guided
· Students
will be asked checkpoint questions throughout the PowerPoint to insure good
comprehension of the material.
· The
teacher will give examples about countries with different types of economic
systems, such as Haiti, Hong Kong, France, and Cuba.
· The
teacher will provide a link for further understanding of the concepts.
· The teacher will divide the class into groups to find the advantages and disadvantages of each economic systems.
Phase Four: Independent
· Students
will summarize their findings after watching the video.
· Student
will answer the following questions for homework:
1. What
are the key economic questions that any type of economy needs to answer?
2. If
you wanted to develop your utopic economic system, what its features would be?
Inductive Model:
Title of the book: Economics Level L
Subject: Economics
Grade: 10
two: Scarcity
and The Allocation of Resources
Frame: Two
Objectives: The student will be able to:
Define economic system
Identify the types of economic systems
Detect the advantages and disadvantages of
each economic system
Describe resource allocation in each
economic system
examples and non-examples: The
teacher selects number of concrete and abstract examples addressing types of
economic systems and economic sectors.
Materials needed: books, tablets, smartboard, white board, markers, copy books and pens.
Phase One: Introduction:
· The
teacher will start the lesson with asking the students about their favourite
countries or about countries they visited and will ask them about things they
liked or disliked in these countries.
· The
teacher will show the students, on the smart board, different photos of
different countries with different types of economic systems such as Haiti,
Hong Kong, France, and Cuba, and ask them if they know any feature of the
economic system in these countries.
· The
teacher will give time for the students to write their insights and
Phase Two: The
Open-ended Phase:
· Student
will make their observations and write them.
· Students
will make further googling for further analysis.
· Students
will make comparison and write their findings.
Phase Three:
The convergent phase:
· Students
will be asked to give the meaning of economic system
· Students
will be asked to list the types of economic systems. (Traditional, market,
planned, and mixed).
· Students
will be asked to write the advantages and disadvantages of each economic
· Students
will be asked about how resources are allocated in each economic system.
Phase Four: Closure:
With the help of the
teacher, students will be asked to:
· summarize their understandings to make sure
that their findings are well established, and the concepts are highly mastered.
· link
their new findings and understanding to the previous ones.
Phase Five:
Inquiry Based Model:
Title of the book:
Economics Level L
Subject: Economics
Grade: 10
Chapter two: Scarcity
and The Allocation of Resources
Time Frame: Two
The student will be able to:
· Define
economic system
· Identify
the types of economic systems
· Detect
the advantages and disadvantages of each economic system
· Describe
resource allocation in each economic system
Identifying inquiry questions: The
students with the help of the teacher will ask a set of questions that arouse
the curiosity of the students and make them eager to find the answers.
Planning for data gathering: The
teacher and the students will set a plan, including the immediate steps, to
gather data that help them find answers to their inquiries.
Allocating time: The
teacher will set a time frame for the inquiry process.
Materials needed:
books, tablets, smartboard, white board, markers, copy books and pens.
Phase One:
Identifying questions:
_Students will read the
following paragraph written on the white board:
has a competitive and free market regime and a strong laissez- faire commercial tradition. The Lebanese
economy is service-oriented; main growth sectors include banking and tourism.
There are no restrictions on foreign exchange or capital movement. The Lebanese
economy has faced many crises especially high rates of inflation and
unemployment, in addition to unfair allocation of resources.
_Students will be divided
into groups and with the help of the teacher will try to
pose and write some
questions such as:
· What
is wrong with the Lebanese economic system?
· What
should you know about its features?
· What
factors affect its features?
· What
should I know more to find solutions for the current economic crises?
· What
other economic systems can we suggest as a substitute?
· Which
is the most efficient economic system in allocating resources?
Phase Two: Generate
Each group will formulate
a hypothesis that answer their questions, such as:
· The
economic system in Lebanon is inefficient and weak.
· The
economic system in Lebanon is efficient, but the problem is in the application.
Phase Three: Gather
Students will set a plan
to gather information related to the hypothesis with the
help of search engines. The
plan must be time bound and systematic.
The teacher will assist
them by providing articles and videos.
Phase Four: Assess
After collecting the data
about the Lebanese economy and other economies for
comparing and contrasting,
the students will analyze their findings and
summarize the outcome, so
they can assess their hypothesis. The student will
find that that there are four
types of economic systems: traditional, market,
planned and mixed. They will
recognize that the Lebanese economy with its
free market may be efficient
or not (according to their findings).
Phase Five: Generalizing:
The teacher will make sure
that the knowledge of each group of students is
deepened and that their
findings are valid, so that their hypothesis will be
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